Green in Spain

It was a great experience to live those days in Danube Delta with very interesting people from another countries, all the people were very interested in ecology and environmental issues and we were able to interchange knowledge on how to work this subjects with youngsters. In order to prevent environmental disasters and to promote a more eco-friendly lifestyle we must start by educating the following generations.

For that reason the dissemination activities by our association, ASOCIACIÓN BARRIOS DE LUNA, for this project were held during the previous days of cañon on festival in Tarancón (Cuenca), three days of outdoor activities on different parks of our town. The target age for this activities were children from 6-12 years old and our staff did different ways of approaching the eco-friendly lifestyle to youngsters. Storytelling, painting, and how to use different elements of the nature and recycled materials in order to decorate the spaces of the festival.

It was a really good experience for us and we have received a very positive feedback from their parents encouraging us to continue with this kind of activities all year round.

Mahura (Spain)