Dear participants!
We are very happy
that you have decided to participate to this project !
We want this course to be fun for
you, a place surrounded by nature and wildlife where you can meet great people
and make a lot of friends.
Because we want to break the barriers
before the project star, below you can find each participant “ Green Id Card” :) .
Discover each other, look for common interests and
differences !
We are looking forward to meeting
you all on June 11th!
Name : Adelina Luntraru
Nickname : None as I know :)
Age :
Gender : Female
I am unique because my mother says so
If I could do anything I would invent the cure
for cancer.
I love to meet
new people and
really hate to wait in airports.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be Aythya fuligula - Tufted duck.
I joined Green Id TC because I initiated this
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are good mood, information on the topic
and openness to new things and new people.
Name : Andrei Ignia
Nickname : Sandrino
Age : 26
Gender : Male
I am unique because I see in frames almost everything around me.
If I could do anything I would travel all
around the world.
I love to laugh
and really hate to stay and do nothing.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be a bluethroat.
I joined Green Id TC because the idea of the
project sounds great, like an adventure.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are creativity, quality time, great videos and
Name : Iuliana Parfimon
Nickname : Iuli
Country: Romania
Age : 27
Gender : Female
I am unique because I explore
different cultures through food
If I could do anything I would fly in a hot air
ballon around the world
I love to travel
and cook and
really hate to do someone
else’s job
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be Ardea alba(Egret)
I joined Green Id TC because I
want to discover nature at it’s best and exchange ideas with various people
with different cultures.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are passion
and enthusiasm for nature and outdoor activities, experience with youth
Name : Gabriela
Nickname : Gaga
Country: Romania
Age : 26
Gender : Female
am unique because I’m chic :D .
I could do anything I would change people’s
mentality about the dangers of their actions on nature.
love to spend my free
time in nature and really hate to get bored.
I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would be pelican
because their main food is fish, and I also like fish!
joined Green Id TC because I love nature and I want to do everything I can to help
protecting it and teach the others how to do it!
things that I can contribute to this TC are i
will try to help discover the problems of the human impact on nature, to find
solutions to eliminate them and to share my knowledge about this.
Name : Roxana
Nickname : Roxy
Age :
Gender : Female
I am unique because God made me so.
If I could do anything I would travel in time.
I love to be
surrounded by people and
really hate to wait.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be a Pelecanus crispus – Dalmatian
I joined Green Id TC because the topic, the
venue and the activities are great. And because Ade is a awesome trainer ;)
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are keen interest on the topic, cheerfulness
and Green ID blog :)
Name : Pedro
Nickname : Guga
Country: Portugal
Age : 27
Gender : Male
I am unique because I am what I am, like if you like, if you do not like go your
If I could do anything I would ended with poverty
I love to camping
and beach and
really hate to eating soup
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be Pelican
I joined Green Id TC because want to know
more about the nature
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are very good disposition, good photos,
and passion for nature.
Nickname :
Country: Portugal
Age : 47
Gender :
I am unique because I
am naif enough to still believe in people and truly think that we can make a
If I could do anything I would STOP
the World for One Day! so people can have time to think on what they are doing
to the Planet.
I love to travel
and meet new people and
really hate to waist time with
useless things and causes.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be a Wild
Duck, it lives by the water and travels the world to seek for comfort and
I joined Green Id TC because the Cause match with my Ideals of being in this world.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC are:
my experience in YIA Programmes; learn and share my points of
view; spread the message beyond the TC limits.
Name :
Paulo Ribeiro
Nickname :
Age :
Gender :
I am unique because I am a very proud portuguese scout!.
If I could do anything I would try that all people could live in harmony according
to their beliefs and objectives and respected the human civilization as well as
the environment because, that, in essence, is our home.
I love to camping
and really hate to miss opportunities to meet new spectacular locations around
the world.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be a happy bird in a big and
extraordinary ecosystem.
I joined Green Id TC because I want to see this beautiful part of the world and me and
meet people who want and believe, like me, in the defense of the environment.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are my testimony on the reality of my
country, my friendship and my dedication to the project.
Name :
Alyona Denyakina
Nickname :
Age :
Gender :
I am unique because I see and do something new every day.
If I could do anything I would go around the world and learn to cook and sing at
least one thing from every place I go.
I love to
travel and meet new people and really hate to tell a student that (s)he failed.
I joined Green Id TC because I want to
learn more about the nature of the Danube delta, gain more experience, meet new
people and exchange ideas and good mood.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are enthusiasm and openness to new
things, passion about nature and experience in working with children.
Name : Andrey Ralev
Nickname : Andrey
Country: Bulgaria
Age : 34
Gender : Male
I am unique because I love to live in
If I could do anything I would change
the people’s mind on nature conservation
I love to work and relax in nature and really hate to write project reports
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would be
an Osprey
I joined Green Id TC because as
a project manager in the Dragoman Marsh area I need to have better knowledge on
environmental education, especially in wetland areas
Three things that I can contribute to this TC are knowledge
of wetlands, experience in volunteer involvement in campaigns/protests and
project management
Name: Michał
Nickname: Minio
Country: Poland
Age : 34
Gender : Male
I am unique because I follow my way.
If I could do anything I would play Tropico in real life.
I love to bike
riding and really hate to run.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be stork – I'm just passing by
I joined Green ID TC because I need some background for „green” activities of our society.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are involvement, calm, positive attitude.
Name: Przemek Stupak
Nickname: Prestup
Country: Poland
Age : 34
Gender : male
I am unique because I inspire people.
If I could do anything I would make one good wish come true for everybody in the world.
I love to spend
time with people
and really hate to stay put.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be white-tailed eagle because I like
I joined Green ID TC because I would like to learn new methods of managing “green” projects.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are: involvement, passion, positive

Name : Eva Johnova
Nickname : Whatever
Age : 31
Gender : yes :)
I am unique because I´m trying to look at the matters of different point of views
(not enough good at it, still at the process :) )
If I could do anything I would travel back to
the past –to see every year and century of our history
I love to
dive and really hate to see
how much I´m putting off tasks to a later time.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be Pelican
I joined Green Id TC because I want to feel
in what way are the local people living there in the Danube area.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are joga lessons if fancy to joing me, having
a talk.
Name : Marie
Nickname :
Country: Czech
Age : 25
Gender : female
I am unique because I am very normal, average in the best possible way.
If I could do anything I would go learn by living in certain communities around the world leading different lifestyles for some time.
I love to meet
new people
and really hate to when I have to
care about the details.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus).
I joined Green Id TC because it seems to be an interesting opportunity to learn something
new by a cool and fun way.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are great openness to people, helpful
attitude, passion for outdoor activities and teamwork.
Name : Javier
Collado de las Heras
Nickname :
Age : 33 years
Gender :
I am unique because all people are unique.
If I could do anything I would for people to respect more their roots.
I love to living experiences in nature and really hate people who do not respect the environment.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would be happy to live in a protected area with more
species enjoying the sunsets
I joined Green Id TC because I would like to know people with environmental concerns at
European level and know the area.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are animation group in nature,
adventure sports knowledge and live music.
Name : José
Luis González
Nickname :
Age : 33 years
Gender :
I am unique because I'm
a freak.
If I could do anything I would do something for the environment.
I love to be
free and really hate to obey orders from nasty people.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would be flying all day over the sea.
I joined Green Id TC because I love this project, I want to take 1.000.000 pictures from Danube delta and meet new nice people from different countries.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC teamwork, smiles and a happy spirit.
Name :
Nickname :
Gallardo de la
Age :
Gender :
I am unique because everyone is unique, I think that should be answered by
someone else.
If I could do anything I would end the injustices and inequalities.
I love music and really hate to disrespect.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be always traveling.
I joined Green Id TC because I love nature mixture of cultures and meet new people
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are creativity, good humor,
Name : Ferenc Pászti
Nickname :
Age :
Gender :
I am unique because I can sing as bad as nobody can :P
If I could do anything I would find a way to reduce the air and water pollution.
I love to travel
and discover new places, cities, countries and really hate to wake up early on Sunday.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would be (Himantopus himantopus) Black-winged Stilt.
I joined Green Id TC because I have never been in the Danube Delta, and really want to see
it, plus I really like to travel to Romania.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are good mood, information about
Hungary, PÁLINKA :P
Name : David
Nickname : None
Age :
Gender : male
I am unique because I’m an awesome air-guitar player
If I could do anything I would : Travel around
the world
I love to
spend my time outdoor and
really hate to stay indoor for
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be northern sparrowhawk
I joined Green Id TC because It could be a
very great opportunity to discover Danube-Delta.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are good mood,involvement,chemical side
of environment protection.
Name : Andor
Nickname : None
Age :
Gender : Male
I am unique because there isn’t another way of living.
If I could do anything I would make people
I love to read,
to be in nature, to gain experiences and really hate to
be pushed to do things.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be feathered.
I joined Green Id TC because I would visit
the Danube Delta since I saw Kornél Mundruczó’s film, Delta. Also I am
interested in environmental issues.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are open mind, good attitude, interest.
Name : Alexander
Nickname : Sancho
Country: Bulgaria
Age : 34
Gender : Male
I am unique because of all my friends.
If I could do anything I would travel the whole world.
I love to
swim and ride my bike
and really hate to stay too much in
front of the computer.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be a little grebe.
I joined Green Id TC because I have heard great things about the Danube Delta, and to visit
it together with friends sharing the same ideas about life is a great
Three things that I can contribute to this TC are good humor, sharing conservation experience – practical
and educational, letting people know about my country.
Name : Petar Dimov
Nickname : Petar
Country: Bulgaria
Age : 28
Gender : Male
I am unique because I never get tired
of hiking and camping with nice people
If I could do anything I would make
people believe in their own strength to change their world to better
I love to travel to nice and
off-the-beaten-path places and really hate to
be tied in the office room
If I were a bird from the Danube
Delta I would be an
I joined Green Id TC because I
really think that I have to improve my work with other people on green subjects
Three things that I can contribute to this TC are
GIS experience, some equipment and God knows what else :-D
Name : Evgenia Stiliyanova
Nickname : Evi
Country: Bulgaria
Age : 19
Gender : Female
I am unique because of my DNA :D
If I could do anything I would make all people happier.
I love to play
volleyball and
really hate to waste my time.
If I were a bird from the Danube
Delta I would be Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)
I joined Green Id TC because I want to know more about nature, about
Romania and another cultures.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are smiles , energy and craziness.
Name : Stanimir
Chukov – Stan
Nickname : Stan the man :)
Country: Bulgaria
Age :
Gender : 101
% male
I am unique because there is no one like me!
If I could do anything I would like to go back in the past.
I love to
live and really hate to beg.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be the most amazing one.
I joined Green Id TC because this project is
really great and will give me tools to combat the pollution.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
are past experience, creativity and
will to do the things right.
Joanna Budnik
Age : 27
Gender :
I am unique because I find this in all around.
If I could do anything I would travel to unknown places.
I love chocolate
and really hate to be
in hurry.
If I were a bird from the Danube Delta I would
be a colliber.
I joined Green ID TC because I am interested in gaining knowledge and useful skills.
Three things that I can contribute to this TC
: open mind, energy and curiosity in
joining this project.